Data Storage, Electronics, Laser Scan Heads, Laser Systems, Medical Device Manufacturing, Motion Control Platforms, Precision Manufacturing, Science & Research Institutions, Semiconductor, Stages & Actuators, Video
Aerotech Infinite Field of View
In traditional laser scanner systems, laser spot size and field of view are related. That is, larger fields of view require larger spot sizes due to fundamental optical principles. But what if you need a smaller spot size than what the optical system can provide given the desired field of view? Aerotech’s Infinite Field of View software feature solves these problems without compromising on field-of-view OR spot size. Areas that are larger than the scanner’s field of view are effortlessly captured in their entirety by a combination of servo stage and scanner motion, resulting in both improved quality and faster completion times. With Infinite Field of View, the link between laser spot size and field of view is broken, removing the need to compromise between the two.